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UKH: ‘Mandatory vaccine passports unworkable’

Published:  06 September, 2021

UK Hospitality (UKH) has said a mandatory Covid vaccine passports scheme for certain venues and events would be unworkable, cause conflict between staff and customers and would force business to deal with “complex equality rules”.


France's great digital shift

Published:  14 July, 2021

A new breed of French digital-solution companies is helping the country’s producers embrace online. Jo Gilbert reports


Technology: Power of the network

Published:  17 June, 2021

The phrase ‘content is king’ gained new meaning at this year’s LWF where two sessions focused on how runaway digital adoption rates among consumers are leading to seismic shifts around how the industry markets and sells wine. Jo Gilbert reports.


ASDA groups wine by grape rather than region

Published:  26 April, 2021

Asda has unveiled a major change in the setup of its wine aisles by becoming the first major UK supermarket to group all wine by grape instead of by country.


Low and no: How far will it go?

Published:  01 April, 2021

Consumer demand for no and low alcohol products and ready-to-drink is on the rise both globally and in the UK. But how long will this growth continue? Jo Gilbert looks ahead.


Ribera campaign looks to bring 60 wineries to the UK

Published:  22 February, 2021

Ribera del Duero has launched an initiative to introduce over 60 additional wineries to the UK market following an uptick in interest in the region over the course of the pandemic.


UK and non-EU workers plugging London’s hospitality recruitment gap

Published:  06 March, 2019

Workers from the UK and outside the UK are picking up the slack from the declining number of EU nationals applying to work in hospitality jobs in the UK.


Aussie backstop will safeguard Australian wine exports post-Brexit

Published:  22 January, 2019

Australia will continue to trade with the UK, its biggest export market by volume and third by value, on its current terms post-Brexit.